LONDON LIFE ART CLUB is a very informal art club, documenting life in London. We meet, sketch, eat, sketch, pop to the pub before home.
It is open to all visual artists at all levels of experience.
To register your interest, send me a message from the contact page or click here.
LONDON LIFE ART CLUB has sprung from two promises I have made to myself.
1. Meet new creative people to share ideas with, learn from, collaborate with...
2. Paint outdoors from life more. Get out of my studio regularly to sketch, paint, photograph and write about London. The parks, the architecture, the wildlife, the people...all of it!
My vision is this:
(replace sketch with photograph, sculpt, craft etc...)
If any of this resonates with you then email me to let me know:-
- your contact details
- any other info you want to share (what you do, where you are based, what sort of days you might be free etc)
- Finally... follow the club's instagram (lots of potential for sharing and supporting and linking to your own stuff.)
The logistics and process is a work in progress.
- We will get a few members.
- I'll email out a survey to scope out potential days that work for you
- We will make our first LLAC Day Out happen!
So join me on London Life Art Club Instagram and use my contact page to send me your details and I will be in touch very soon.